
Photo: Syver Aas-Bakke, WCTE 2024

With over 15 years of experience in event and media hosting - from international conferences, to local stakeholder engagement and design workshops, to promotional films and podcasts - Rebekah offers a variety of PR and media services in both English and Norwegian languages.


Stakeholder and User Engagement:

Having worked with early phase architectural projects for more than 15 years, I understand both the complexity as well as the rich value that can be created when stakeholder engagement is conducted well. A variety of perspectives and needs should not hinder a project’s development, but rather form a robust base that will ensure a project’s success over a longer period of time.

Together we can design both the ideological and physical engagement materials. This can range from digital egagement, to physical workshops, to lectures and events. Engaging many stakeholders means reaching out in multiple ways.

Hosting and Promotion:

I’m adept at hosting and promoting events where audience engagement is paramount. I can offer vibrant and energetic presentations which captivate the audience, creating an enjoyable and memorable experience for all attendees. I am experienced in creating promotional films and materials that will bring attention to your event.

I take the time to understand the tone, theme, and objectives of each specific event, infusing a touch of my dynamic hosting style while staying true to your vision. My commitment to preparation ensures a seamless execution, allowing you to relax and enjoy the event without worry.


LovelyStay, Portugal.

2024 - ongoing

World Conference on Timber Engineering, Oslo, Norway.


Conference hostess for the biannual World Conference on Timber Engineering in 2023. Duties included Master of Ceremony for the opening and closing sessions (about 800 people), Gala Hostess for conference banquet, and hostess in promotional and informational films.

Read more about the conference here.

View the informational film here.

Trearkitekturdagen, Oslo, Norway


Hostess for the annual Trearkitekturdagen held at DoGA in Oslo, Norway. Duties included Master of Ceremony for the day, facilitating in-person and digital lectures.

Read more about Trearkitektur.no here.

Podcast - Can Architecture Fix This?

2020 - 2022

Host of the podcast Can Architecture Fix This? by White arkitekter Oslo. The two-season limited podcast focused on challenges that architecture faces through discussions and interviews with experts in the fields of design.

Listen to the podcast here.

Oslo Urban Arena, Oslo, Norway

2023, 2016

Host for a break-out session during the Oslo Urban Arena conference in 2016. Oslo Urban Arena (now Oslo Urban Week) is the entire Oslo region's arena for fulfilling the goal that Oslo should become a role model for urban development. OUW is at the same time a global platform for knowledge sharing and a regional workshop for creating good solutions in a broad field within urban development.

Learn more about OUW here.

Stakeholder engagement

2012 - ongoing

Spoksperson and ambassador for LovelyStay, a rental property manager in Portugal.

View the promotional film here.

Facilitated stakeholder engagement and design workshops in the field of architecture and urban design. These sessions are often, but not exclusively, related to architecture. Projects include ‘Vision Louisville’ (2012-2013), ‘Llight and Darkness in Kvadraturen’ (2017), ‘Dialogue Montebello’ (2016-2018), ‘Vinstra 2046’ (2018)‘, Visjon Damplassen’ (2022), and ‘Skap Sammen Arena Bekkestue’ (2022).